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Monday, July 19, 2010

'Inception' of dreams

Christopher Nolan returns to messing with your minds with "Inception" after Memento and The Dark Knight. This movie is a must watch for movie buffs, especially a sci-fi thriller.
The movie's plot revolves around dreams and organizations that hire 'extractors' to bring out thoughts, ideas and secrets from your subconscious mind. The plot thickens when DiCaprio is asked by Ken Watanabe if he can 'plant an idea' in a person's dream as well as he can 'extract' !! Imagine someone stealing your ideas and secrets or planting their thoughts and ideas while you are peacefully resting !! Unbelievable yet cogitable.
The story has strong casting (DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Ken Watanabe, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, , brilliant cinematography and perfectly stimulating, spine-tingling storyline. There is no narration and everything seems to be a discovery as the story proceeds and you quite often are left guessing, comprehending or having an aha! moment.
The team pitted against the plot of dream extraction and inception into the minds of Fischer has an expert extractor, an engineer, a forger, an architect, a chemist and a visitor - a perfect team. Tom Hardy and Joseph Gordon-Levitt provide an occasional wit to an otherwise serious movie.
This gripping story has you on the edge of your seat throughout. The science behind the fiction is well moulded into the storyline - how you can dream about an entire month or lifetime in the span of a 2 hour dream or how you never remember the beginning of all dreams but can only remember being in the middle of the dream. How you see projections of people who you have never met in your dreams. How often the dreams are so real you are not sure if you are dreaming or if you are in reality.
A word of caution - the movie may leave you worrying if it is safe for you to close your eyes and dream. Go on, dream on :)

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